Including: Murder, Vehicular Homicide, Sex Crimes, Aggravated Assault, Aggravated Battery, Burglary, Theft, Trafficking, Drug Crimes, Gang Violations, RICO, White Collar Crimes, Family Violence
Misdemeanors and Traffic
Including: DUI, Underage Possession of Alcohol, Disorderly Conduct, Vehicular Homicide, Driving while License Suspended, Family Violence, Battery, Assault, Theft by Shoplifting, Child Endangerment, Reckless Driving, Aggressive Driving, Speeding, All Uniform Rules of the Road Violations
Professional Licenses
Including: Suspension and Revocation of Professional Licenses before Georgia’s Licensing Boards
Trial and Appeals: Federal, State, and Local Courts
Pre-arrest, post-arrest, trial, and appellate representation in federal, state, and municipal courts in the Middle District of Georgia, Athens-Clarke, Banks, Barrow, Elbert, Franklin, Habersham, Hart, Jackson, Madison, Oconee, Oglethorpe, Rabun, Stephens, Wilkes, and Taliaferro Counties.