Leslie Spornberger Jones, LLC

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Motion to Suppress Granted after Motion to Reconsider, October 2024

Client, along with two co-Defendants, was charged in a drug case. Basic facts were that Client was outside a business late at night in the early morning hours. Cops claimed there had been burglaries in the area, so even though they had no reason to believe Leslie’s Clients or the co-Defendants were engaged in unlawful activity, the cops stopped them anyway when they drove away. After a search of the vehicle, drugs were found, and Client and co-Defendants were charged with various drug offenses.

Leslie filed a motion to suppress to ask the Judge to “kick out” the drugs discovered as a result of the unconstitutional and unlawful stop so that the State could not present them as evidence if the case went to trial.

At the motion to suppress hearing, the State’s witness could not articulate why they pulled over Leslie’s Client. Even still, the senior judge who originally heard the evidence denied the motion.

Believing in her Client’s case, Leslie filed a motion to reconsider.

After reconsidering the motion and evidence presented at the hearing, the Judge normally assigned to the case agreed that the evidence should be suppressed. The Court reversed the original ruling of the senior judge, and granted Leslie’s motion.

As a result, the entire drug case against all co-Defendants was dismissed.